The first selection jury for the TERRAFIBRA Award 2021 was held on 1 April 2021. It designated the 40 finalist buildings of this 3rd edition. The final jury was held on 1 October 2021 and selected 11 winners.

First jury


Bernard BLANC, Deputy for the Resilient City of Bordeaux


Luc BARRÉ, architect and representative of Maisons Paysannes de France

Marie-Hélène CONTAL, Deputy Director of the French Institute of Architecture, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine

Arnaud DUTHEIL, Director of the CAUE Haute-Savoie

Fabienne FENDRICH, architect, state planner, architecture department – Ministry of Culture

Laetitia FONTAINE, engineer, researcher at the CRAterre-AE&CC-ENSAG-UGA laboratory, director of amàco, co-sponsor of the TERRAFIBRA Award

Dominique GAUZIN-MÜLLER, architect, researcher and coordinator of the TERRA and FIBRA Awards

Sylvain GODINOT, Deputy Mayor for Ecological Transition and Heritage of the City of Lyon

Nicolas GUIGNARD, Fibra Terra Manager – Envirobat BDM

Martin PAQUOT, co-founder of Topophile

Raphaël PAUSCHITZ, co-founder of Topophile

Bakonirina RAKOTOMAMONJY, president of CRAterre

Abdelghani TAYYIBI, architect, director of the National School of Architecture of Marrakech

Odile VANDERMEEREN, director of FACT Sahel +

Sylvie WHEELER, craftswoman and Asterre representative

Final jury


Christine LECONTE, architect-urban planner and President of the National Council of the Order of Architects


Michel ABADIE, president of the world bamboo organisation

Maxime BONNEVIE, architect and director of the Grands Ateliers, co-sponsor of the TERRAFIBRA Award

André BOURASSA, architect, Rendez-vous des écomatériaux du Québec (Canada)

Jean DETHIER, architect, architecture critic, former exhibition curator at the Centre Pompidou (Paris)

Véronique DUFOUR, Director of Ville & Aménagement Durable

Valérie FLICOTEAUX-MELLING, vice president of the National Council of the Order of Architects

Laetitia FONTAINE, engineer, researcher at the CRAterre-AE&CC-ENSAG-UGA laboratory, director of amàco, co-sponsor of the TERRAFIBRA Award

Dominique GAUZIN-MÜLLER, architect, researcher and coordinator of the TERRA and FIBRA Awards

Hubert GUILLAUD, architect-researcher, scientific co-director of the AE&CC Laboratoire CRAterre research unit at the École Nationale d’Architecture de Grenoble, head of the UNESCO Chair “Earthen Architectures”, co-chair of the TERRA Award, researcher and coordinator of the TERRA and FIBRA Awards

Guillaume HABERT, Professor and Director of the Chair of Sustainable Construction at the ETH Zürich

Vincent KITO, architect, head of urban energy department, UN HABITAT, Kenya (Africa)

Alexandre LABASSE, Director of the Pavillon de l’Arsenal

Manon MOLLARD, architect, editorial director of ‘The Architectural Review’ (Great Britain)

Hélène PESKINE, Permanent Secretary of PUCA

Blanche RIVIÈRE, Chief architect, Heritage and Architecture Department, City of Paris

Laure TRANNOY, Head of the “Bio- and geo-sourced construction sectors” project – Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity